Bailey, Ace Bailey: A Blog Shaken and Stirred

Of all the bloging joints, in all the towns, in all the world, you had to walk into mine.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il

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Calm eerines comes upon you, it tingles down your spine. Its you...and 2 others. these 2 arent your friends but they really arent your enemies. this is for greed. for money. you have one thing they dont however...the name on the grave. but they both have one thing you have; a quick trigger finger. you wrote the name of the grave on the rock...placed it in the middle of the desert rockway which is similar to a circular structure and the middle of the grave yard you 3 are standing in. you are standing at one end, cigar(looks like a cig) in your mouth. poncho to the side, hand eagerly waiting for someone to make a move. the bad is standing across from you on the opposite end(see pic). hes dressed in black, waiting for a signal. then maybe in a 90 degree angel away from his is the ugly; dirty, looks visibly drunk, but he has a trigger finger.

you are all standing, looking. trying to determine who will shoot and when you should shoot. each one is in anticipation as sweat with green dollar signs attached roll off hands and head. who makes a move, how do you make a move, make moves to make money or you will be lying in one of these graves, you dont have an option, your option is to not die. you are the trio. (i hope this is where it kicked in, lol)

you and ugly have been rolling with each other the entire time but that really doesnt mean shit at this point because he is just as greedy as you. do you want to shoot him? nah not really, but luckily you have already eliminated him for competition and didnt even have to pull a trigger. remember last night, you took his bullets out of the gun. that eliminates him from being a problem. well then i guess the only person to worry about is bad...

bad is bad, he has been chasing you and ugly the entire time. he is a smart guy. his movements are quick and his thoughts are quicker. even though he is bad, you give him respect because he has made it as far as you. its a little windy, you are factoring this in to whenever you grab the gun. now its eye contact, moving to waist contact.


he makes a mo...

befor he can even finish. he has made his last move. ugly is in confusion. and then there is you, holding the smoking gun...bad tries to finish you so you finish him.

well...with bad gone, and ugly about to dig your money out for you...that can only make you one thing; good.

this is a reenactment blog brought to you by one of my favorite movies of all time.

thank you


*fade to black*


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