Bailey, Ace Bailey: A Blog Shaken and Stirred

Of all the bloging joints, in all the towns, in all the world, you had to walk into mine.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Retail In B Minor: The Macys Associate






yeah, this is gonna be my photoblog now, this is a series im currently working on of fellow associates at macys, its called "Retail In B Minor: The Macys Associate"

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


i havent left a post up in a long time...i aint dead yet back...and this version of me is better than fuckin ever.

what it is? well for one i got raps to record and writing them would be the first step to that process.

i got class in about an hour....thats whatever at this point but afterwords i have to take pictures however i have no idea how i am going to do that at this point since it is raining...this might have to be an indoor shoot. we will see how it turns out.

thats all i got on the plate going to go take a shower now you fucks. so with that current information being delivered....peace.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Its been a long time, I shouldnt have left you, without a dope blog to step to

im back...after my 2 or so weeks of hiatus activity, i really couldnt think of anything to say but just to show that i do still have a pulse and im here. i have been taking a photography class at a community college before i go back to ucsd. its cool so far, havent shot anything yet but im sure with enough time i will.

im looking at some new nikes that i might need to cop,day of the dead dunks, i cant wait for them to come out, i will have to get a picture of it later for yall. i got work in a about 45 minutes, fuck. yes its a sunday and i go to work. fuck that shit man. anyways enough bitching.

i think im setting a record for how many songs i can listen to in a row, because i have been listening to E=mc^2 off the shining about 20 times and im still loving it. common kills it, dilla does what dilla do. tuesday i need to cop the new roots album and the kenn starr album. should be a good tuesday.

i wish i could have relevant info to update to the kids but this is it. oh RIP to 3rd I of okp, god bless her family and others who knew her.


Monday, August 14, 2006

Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il

before you start reading, hit play on the audio link

powered by ODEO

Calm eerines comes upon you, it tingles down your spine. Its you...and 2 others. these 2 arent your friends but they really arent your enemies. this is for greed. for money. you have one thing they dont however...the name on the grave. but they both have one thing you have; a quick trigger finger. you wrote the name of the grave on the rock...placed it in the middle of the desert rockway which is similar to a circular structure and the middle of the grave yard you 3 are standing in. you are standing at one end, cigar(looks like a cig) in your mouth. poncho to the side, hand eagerly waiting for someone to make a move. the bad is standing across from you on the opposite end(see pic). hes dressed in black, waiting for a signal. then maybe in a 90 degree angel away from his is the ugly; dirty, looks visibly drunk, but he has a trigger finger.

you are all standing, looking. trying to determine who will shoot and when you should shoot. each one is in anticipation as sweat with green dollar signs attached roll off hands and head. who makes a move, how do you make a move, make moves to make money or you will be lying in one of these graves, you dont have an option, your option is to not die. you are the trio. (i hope this is where it kicked in, lol)

you and ugly have been rolling with each other the entire time but that really doesnt mean shit at this point because he is just as greedy as you. do you want to shoot him? nah not really, but luckily you have already eliminated him for competition and didnt even have to pull a trigger. remember last night, you took his bullets out of the gun. that eliminates him from being a problem. well then i guess the only person to worry about is bad...

bad is bad, he has been chasing you and ugly the entire time. he is a smart guy. his movements are quick and his thoughts are quicker. even though he is bad, you give him respect because he has made it as far as you. its a little windy, you are factoring this in to whenever you grab the gun. now its eye contact, moving to waist contact.


he makes a mo...

befor he can even finish. he has made his last move. ugly is in confusion. and then there is you, holding the smoking gun...bad tries to finish you so you finish him.

well...with bad gone, and ugly about to dig your money out for you...that can only make you one thing; good.

this is a reenactment blog brought to you by one of my favorite movies of all time.

thank you


*fade to black*

Saturday, August 12, 2006

9:52pm: The Day Of Alan As Told By The Wise One Himself

man im tired, what a day...its been intresting to say the least, i know your thinking this will actually be a good story but really i was at work all day. im sure we can get further into the rabbit hole than this.

well it goes a little bit something like this...

i get to work(i work as a sales associate in the suits department at macys) and as usual i already dont feel like being there...just being there gives me this horrible feeling down my spine and soul. the day always go by quicker when im working with Angela who is a good friend of mine, its rediculous how much work we dont do when we work together. today was one of those days and it went by quick as hell...however the last 3 hours i was alone in my own department.(who really cares, right? im just writing this shit)

anyways we take ourselves back to the hero(me) in the enemys layer(work). im fighting off customers one by one, killing them with kindness and some with cruleness. at one point i went into the back stockroom and put criminology on my ipod so i could get amped and ready to get these people out of my face. well you already know the ending...i won because im here typing to you.

and dont worry, i wont bore you everyday with this shit, im just trying to get this blogging shit under my belt. however i will leave you with another movie quote.

“You look down, they know you're lying and up, they know you don't know the truth. Don't use seven words when four will do. Don't shift your weight, look always at your mark but don't stare, be specific but not memorable, be funny but don't make him laugh. He's got to like you then forget you the moment you've left his side. And for God's sake, whatever you do, don't, under any circumstances...”


1:38am On The West Coast: I Have Joined The Blogging Nation

welcome and thanks for comming, i have been meaning to do this for a while now and i always have been sidetracked into doing other things. however, i finally found some time tonight and decided "fuck it, why not?". well, here i am, me and the blog aint nothing much to look at now but hopefully this will eventually will be filled with my travels around the city of San Diego and beyond. if you care to read, by all means, thats what im posting this shit for. if not, go ahead and click that button on the top right marked x.

oh shit, i didnt even introduce myself, my fault. i am Alan, i know it says Frank Abignale Jr. but that is just one of the many aliases i have obtained over the years and who knows i might even go into detail about them in a separate blog. but right now that isnt important, most of that shit i covered in the profile. i have a really intresting range of interests that have made me who i am today.

i will now take the time to shout out some friends since i cant think of anything else to write(im a bit tired and my nose is running). shout outs to: eric, arlette, angela, lena, jack, mikey, julia, rob, alfred, john, candy, stacy, steffani, de la soul, eric b and rakim, frank sinatra, wu tang clan...okay some of those last ones i might not really know but fuck it.

i going to end this blog with a quote since i think that would be the best way to end this blog....

Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man.

peace and blessings


